ART-Exhibition @ xnovodesign
Xnovodesign is proud to announce the ART-Exhibition IMPRESSIONI / Serena Fineschi in our showroom from April 27 to May 31.
Opere su carta 2013-2017 - (Works on paper 2013-2017)
Impressioni is a collection of works on paper made by Serena Fineschi between 2013 and 2017. A summary of the transformation process to which the artist submits the material. A perpetual metamorphosis in and of the material, the archetype of physicality, of the reverse vision and the value of opposites, where unknown experiences assume a renewed un/known shape. Mapping of a body that marks and pursues possible paths or simply imagined. Explosions, craters, wrinkles, holes, lacerations, abrasions and gaps in the material become assonances of physical and emotional experiences, a paradigm of what we are, we feel and we show to the other in a ceaseless flow between material, body and mind.
The gesture
What remains of the gesture is the trace, just as what remains of music is silence, and what remains of painting is nothing more than an area of "immaterial sensibility". In all of Serena Fineschi’s work, the substance of the piece has already elapsed in the action, and all that is left is its reverberation in the material. Spiritual and wolfish, Serena could not be farther from the processes of performance; her gestures have the meaning and the flow of a solitary trial in which the body tries to give a tangible shape to the mind. Weight is form: Serena’s physical capacity, her arms and her hands become form when they are applied to the material. The matter bear the traces of the body’s movement and its staticity, a body which serves as pressure, compression, waiting, an observant mind. Like the gray shadow on a stained sheet after a night of love-making, each of Serena’s pieces opposes abstraction and seeks to focus the mind by way of the body using inert matter as its means. (Pietro Gaglianò. Corpo a Corpo, 2016, ed. Galleria Passaggi, Pisa)
Serena Fineschi lives between Siena and Brussels.
She studied at the Institute of Art “Duccio di Boninsegna” in Siena, she continued her education in graphic design in Siena, Firenze, Milano and she studied Contemporary Art history at the University of Siena.
She is one of the founders of Grand Hotel, a nomadic project in collaboration with numerous Italian and international artists. She also formed the cultural association Fondaco, a project aimed at the diffusion of contemporary Italian art and artists in the international sphere. In 2016 she created Caveau, a safe built into the medieval walls of Siena to serve as a container for ideas. Selected exhibitions and projects: Artiste Domicilie residency in Brussels curated by Galleria FuoriCampo; as well as exhibitions at the Museo d’Arte Moderna e Contemporanea Raffaele de Grada in San Gimignano, Palazzo delle Papesse in Siena, Corderie dell’Arsenale in Venice (during the 2016 Biennal of Architecture), Casa Masaccio in San Giovanni Valdarno, Officina in Brussels, Ex Atelier Corradi in Bologna and Gallerie Cetraro-Escougnou in Paris; and solo exhibitions Darstellung, a dialogue with Marina Dacci and the complicity od Frédéric De Goldschmidt in Brussels, FortePiano at Galleria FuoriCampo in Brussels, Dans le désordre du paysage curated by Raffaele Gavarro at Canal 05 Art Gallery in Brussels, Il primo giorno di sole curated by Pietro Gaglianò at Galleria FuoriCampo in Siena and the special project Stato di Grazia in the historic center of Siena curated by Antonello Tolve and Brick Centre for contemporary culture, as well as numerous public and private projects in Italy and in Brussels.
Tue to Fri : 12pm to 6pm / Sat : 10am to 6pm
On appointment call +32 465 773 840 or by email :
Location : Xnovodesign, Chée de Waterloo 628, 1050 Brussels.